Saturday, November 6, 2010

Look, Ma! I'm flying!

...Or not. That would be silly. Flying isn't encouraged on boats. Going aloft, however, is. Here is a video of what is like to be on the foremast of Lynx. It doesn't really do it justice, but I wanted to show you all what I could. I was strapped in, as I show in one part of it. The only time you're not strapped in is when you're climbing the around 75 feet of climbing. I was about 79 feet in the air right there. We have to go up the foremast everytime we set the fore topsail because it has to be loosed before it is set, and furled after it is taken in. I strap in everytime I'm able to. Just because I like going up there doesn't mean I excercise stupidity. =)
(The video is private, so you can only go to it if you have the link. I loaded it through a friend's account. I zoom in on him at the end. Sorry that it is sideways. I didn't realize that until after it was taken.)

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